Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This blog started with a random drawing of a fish and I can see no better way than to end it with such.

I fell into doing a daily update for the month of February, over the course of which, I began to feel that this blog has served its purpose. "We're just as confused as you are, folks" was kind of a random discriptor, but in the end, I can't think of anything more appropriate.

I had no idea what I was doing with this blog, only that I was getting reacquainted with drawing and comics and wanted to share what I was doing with friends. Cold Ramen documented frustrations with the corporate world and actually served as a portfolio for my MCAD application.

I've been out of MCAD for about 2 years now and have been pulling in freelance projects in addition to getting a day job at a digital marketing company. I even managed to get married along the way as well. And while I may not always be sure about where I will ultimately end up, I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going.

For future reference, please direct your attention to

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